Thursday, February 2, 2012

My Frustration

"Demand me nothing.  What you know, you know.  From this time forth I never will speak word." - Iago.

This line spoken by Iago was sort of like the last straw for me.  Everyone in class would say how there was something about Iago that made them feel sympathy for him.  Some said it was because the play was sort of told through his eyes.  He was the one who would have moments where he would explain his plans and feelings to the audience.  I just never really saw it, though.  He was the villain and was plotting and planning to hurt lots of people, so I never felt any sympathy for him.  However, I thought I would keep an open mind since so many others in my class were feeling differently.  That was until I read this line.  Even when he is caught and it is obvious that he is the villain, Iago won't even so much as explain his reasons and motives to the man who's life he destroyed.  I just felt like screaming at Iago when I read this, and I am not really sure how Othello was able to keep from killing him.

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