Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Hunters In The Snow - #2

"His skin was bone white.  'Tub, I've been thinking.  What you said about me not paying attention, that's true.'" - Tobias Wolff.

For this blog, I am going to formally answer a question included in the text book.  The question is this:

Do any of the characters undergo a dynamic change in the course of the story?  Are these changes permanent or temporary?  Locate the passages that suggest a change is taking place.

The one character I feel that undergoes the biggest dynamic change is Frank.  At the beginning of the story, Frank goes along with Kenny.  He makes fun of Tub and calls him names.  Then, there is a scene on page 195 where Tub finally sticks up for himself.  He says, "No more talking to me like that.  No more watching.  No more laughing."  I believe this is not the part of the passage that suggests a change is taking place, though.  It did, however, create the basis for that change to take place.  I realized a change was taking place on page 197.  The quote that I used above is what I am talking about.  I realized here that Frank was starting to feel bad about how he was treating Tub.  Honestly, I do not believe this change is permanent.  If Frank is so easily turned away from Kenny and onto Tub's side, then what is stopping him from turning away from Tub and back to Kenny's side?  I would like to think that Frank could completely change his ways but it truly does not seem possible.  His personality is just not strong enough.

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