"Pierced by every word that was spoken, the tight balloon of Bernard's happy self-confidence was leaking from a thousand wounds." - Brave New World, page 174.
"Punctured, utterly deflated, he dropped into a chair and, covering his face with his hands, began to weep." - Brave New World, page 176.
This reaction shown by Bernard when people begin to criticize him when the savage does not show up to his party is also a wonderful example of the kind of personality that Bernard truly holds. He is unable to hold a strong head or keep himself together when things don't go his way. The extended metaphor shown in these two quotes helps to show that Bernard was merely as thin as a balloon, ready to pop at any moment or when things began to return to normal. Like a balloon ready to pop at any moment, Bernard was eventually going to have to face the facts that people were only pretending to like him and pay him attention just because of his new-found success and friendship with a savage. Bernard, unable to handle the downfall of his new popularity, breaks down and cries.
I found it very interesting, also, that almost as soon as his popularity was burst, Bernard went cralling right back to Helmholtz. Realizing that his friendship was indeep important, Bernard asked for forgiveness. Helmholtz forgave immediately without question. This shows who Helmholtz truly is, a genuine person on the inside, able to forgive and forget. He was a considerate person without the help of soma or anything else of that nature. Helmholtz's qualities truly are unique and it shows in his actions.
The situation you describe above shows that Helmholtz is a good friend and person. He is able to forgive his friend and move on. Bernard, on the other hand, needs to work on his friendship skills. He dumped his only friend at the first sight of guaranteed popularity.