"Oh, my dear, my dear." The torrent of words flowed sobbingly. "If you knew how glad - after all these years! A civilized face. Yes, and civilized clothes. Because I thought I should never see a piece of real acetate silk again." - Brave New World, page 119.
I could not help but notice during this chapter that Lenina and Linda seem to be mirror-doubles of each other. Their names are even incredibly similar. Lenina complains during this entire chapter leading up to the meeting of Linda of how aweful the reservation is. She wishes she could have some soma and wishes they could just leave repeating over and over again, "I don't like it." Linda later reiterates the awefulness of the Reservation explaining how she has suffered. There was no soma for her to take so she had to resort to mescal which is probably the equivalent to alcohol from our time. Also, Linda's fate, to become a mother, is so unspeakable that Lenina shudders at just the thought of it. This is almost like what could have been for Lenina. Lenina sees Linda as how she might have turned out in different circumstances.
intriguing analysis here!
ReplyDeleteI agree with your comparison here. I think that Lenina is relieved that it was Linda, not her, that ended up on the reservation.