Thursday, August 11, 2011


"I thought about Hailsham closing, and how it was like someone coming along with a pair of shears and snipping the balloon strings just where they entwined above the man's fist." - Never Let Me Go, page 213.

The purpose of this simile and what makes is so important is that is shows Kathy's real feelings about Hailsham.  The reader can see that Kathy saw Hailsham as the glue that kept everyone together.  Students that came from there were like a family that could always come together again whenever they liked because they had a commonality.  Finding out that Hailsham was closing was like finding out that a parent had died (It probably wasn't so emotional but you get the point.).  That was where everyone had come from and it was like a part of them was being taken away.  Roger said, though, that he "supposed it wouldn't make a difference to the likes of [them] any more."  I agree with him on this.  Just because Hailsham is gone doesn't mean that Kathy, Ruth, and Tommy aren't great friends.  Time will continue pass and if anything, this moment should make the three of them even closer friends.  They should cherish each other and realize that what they have is absolutely wonderful.

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